YAHAHA 台灣國際藝術村
This form is for the submission of your workshop proposal. You can choose to respond in english or mandarin. Please make sure you have filled everything before submission since there is no (save) function. After submission, we will review the proposal before fixing any final details together with you.


2024 WINTER (30 SEPTEMBER 2024- 22 DECEMBER 2024)
The theme for 2024 WINTER is do i need another layer? In this cold winter, we will usually need to put on another layer, bring another jacket, prepare another blanket, an additional layer of warmth and preparation. When painting, we have to decide if adding another layer will actually prevent the colours from fading. This additional layer of protection prepare us for the uncertain future, the uncertainty of weather, the uncertainty of colour. But this additional layer of protection can become cumbersome, become another kind of inconvenience, become another kind of unpreparedness. In winter, i will ask Peng if i need another layer of clothing. When painting, Peng will ask if we need another layer of paint. We always reply with yes or no, knowing we will have to shoulder the responsibility ourselves. In the face of unknown, perhaps one can study a professional opinion, or one can study a local opinion, but in the end, one can only ready themselves. This winter, in our first official residency season, we shall collectively face the unknown weather, people, environment, decide if we need another layer.

2024 冬(2024年9月30日到2024年12月22日)
2024冬的主題是 do i need another layer? (我需要多加一層嗎?) 在這個寒冷的冬天,我們常常會需要多穿一層,多拿一件外套,多準備一條棉被,增加一些額外的保暖和準備。當油漆時,我們需要決定在加一層是否能真的避免油漆褪色。這層額外的保護能協助我們度過不確定的未來,不確定的天氣,不確定的顏色。但這額外的一層也可能會成為累贅,成為另一種麻煩,成為另一種的沒做好準備。在冬天,奇能每天都會問我需不需要多帶一層衣服。在油漆時,我會問奇能需不需要多上一層油漆。我們總是回答要或不要但結果我們都要自己負責。面對未知,也許可以參考專家的意見,也可以參考當地人的意見,但最終都得自己做好面對的準備。在這個冬天,在第一期正式的駐村,我們即將一起面對未知的天氣、人、環境,一起決定要不要多加一層。

Application deadline 申請截止日期:

As a general rule, our workshops usually run for 3 hours, but feel free to propose a duration that works best.
大致上,我們一場工作坊通常爲 3 小時,但你可以依你的需求提出最適合的時數。
12:00-12:30 Introduction 簡介
12:30-13:30 Activity 1 活動 1
13:30-13:45 Break 休息
13:45-14:30 Activity 2 活動 2
14:30-15:00 Sharing 分享
Very Good Fun Workshop uses Photography to explore what is Good and Fun....
很好玩工作坊使用攝影技巧探索什麽是 “好” 和 “好玩”...
Yi-Peng, Lee is an artist who uses Photography to explore what is Good and Fun....
李奕芃是一位使用攝影技巧探索什麽是 “好” 和 “好玩” 的藝術家...
4 pairs of scissors, 20 sheets of A4 blank white paper…
bring a family photo, write a poem about time…
You may upload any relevant files here你可以在這上傳有關檔案
Please only upload a single Max 30MB PDF file.請只上傳一個最大 30MB 的 PDF 檔案。
By clicking SUBMIT, you confirm that the information you provide is complete. After submission, proposals cannot be amended.點選 SUBMIT 等於你確保提供的資料已經周全。計劃書提交後就不能更改。