2024 WINTER: do i need another layer?
The application process is split into two important parts: the online application form and interview.

The online application form consists of four sections:
We have designed these sections to help us exercise a more holistic application. Instead of a portfolio or CV, we prefer to look at how you would conduct a workshop, though you may still choose to share a website or your instagram with us. The form should not be a difficult task to complete. We only ask that you answer honestly so that we can have a fair assessment on whether we will be a good fit for each other. After submission, you will receive a confirmation to inform you of a completed process.

After reviewing your online application, we will invite potential applicants for a virtual interview with us to clarify any remaining questions. At this point, we might have a discussion with you on which residency season is most suitable.

Only applicants who have successfully gone through both parts of the application process get selected to become our artists-in-residence. If selected, you will have some time to deliberate before returning confirmation with us.

YAHAHA reserves all rights from process to the final decision on which applicants gets selected to become our artists-in-residence.

For any questions, please reach us here.
This is our 2024 OPEN CALL for the 2024 WINTER, 2025 SPRING, 2025 SUMMER residency seasons, lasting 3 months each (12 weeks).

* We will not be accepting any late submissions.
** All final acceptance or rejection letters will be sent on this date.
*** All applicants must return confirmation by this date to become official YAHAHA artists-in-residence.
: 1 JUNE 2024 - 7 JULY 2024 23:59 (UTC/GMT+8)
: 8 JULY 2024 - 14 JULY 2024
: 15 JULY 2024 - 9 AUGUST 2024
: 10 AUGUST 2024
: 31 AUGUST 2024
  • Our unique YAHAHA residency programme
  • All meals covered in the form of a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet
  • Accommodation in the form of a shared bedroom for two (for SPRING and SUMMER seasons) and bathroom
  • Transport to and from the airport, including daily commutes where relevant
  • Free usage of our facilities: the Studio, the Outdoor Stage, the Library, the Gallery
  • Production for YAHAHA activities where relevant such as our seasonal YAHAHA Festival, workshops, exhibitions
  • Publicity about you, your work, and your events where relevant
  • Residency documentation in the form of a print publication, photography and videography

  • Two workshops (one internal, one external)
  • Flights to and from Taiwan where relevant
  • Specific art materials for personal projects

  • We can help with producing reference letters and official contracts, but applicants are personally responsible for acquiring a visa for entry into Taiwan (if relevant) and for legally residing in Taiwan for the duration of the residency season. We can also help with transport to and from the airport if applicants decide on doing visa runs as an option.
  • We regret that we are unable to offer an artist fee at this point, but we are working hard towards it in the future.
  • at least 20 years old
  • able to speak english and/or mandarin
  • able to legally reside in Taiwan for the duration of the residency
We are looking for applicants who can commit to experiencing a fulfilling 3 months with others in a shared environment in Taiwan. We are looking for taiwanese and non-taiwanese applicants. We are looking for applicants who can work independently and as a group. We are looking for applicants who want to meet new people and live with others. We are looking for applicants who are not necessarily artists but have some kind of expertise in expressing themselves in any medium. We are looking for applicants who are more interested in the process than the result. We are looking for applicants who are interested in publishing, workshopping and living life. We are looking for applicants who are open to learning and willing to try. We are looking for our new batch of YAHAHA artists-in-residence.

Please note that our residency programme emphasises collective activity and we dont require our artists-in-residence to exhibit any work. They can use their own time for personal projects.
The theme for each season will affect the kinds of activities conducted during the residency. If there is a particular theme that calls out to you during application, great! If not, we suggest just applying for the season you are free to attend, and keep an open mind. Your application does not necessarily need to relate to the theme.

2024 WINTER (30 SEPTEMBER 2024- 22 DECEMBER 2024)
The theme for 2024 WINTER is do i need another layer? In this cold winter, we will usually need to put on another layer, bring another jacket, prepare another blanket, an additional layer of warmth and preparation. When painting, we have to decide if adding another layer will actually prevent the colours from fading. This additional layer of protection prepare us for the uncertain future, the uncertainty of weather, the uncertainty of colour. But this additional layer of protection can become cumbersome, become another kind of inconvenience, become another kind of unpreparedness. In winter, i will ask Peng if i need another layer of clothing. When painting, Peng will ask if we need another layer of paint. We always reply with yes or no, knowing we will have to shoulder the responsibility ourselves. In the face of unknown, perhaps one can study a professional opinion, or one can study a local opinion, but in the end, one can only ready themselves. This winter, in our first official residency season, we shall collectively face the unknown weather, people, environment, decide if we need another layer.

2025 SPRING (3 MARCH 2025 - 25 MAY 2025)
The theme for 2025 SPRING is where should i sit? The immediate thought when we arrive for the big family dinner, or your first date with a colleague, or at a New Year’s party. Then, the same thought when the big family dinner comes again, or when an old friend picks you up from the airport with their new partner, or when a complete stranger has stolen your spot at the beach. It is an important question, where should i sit? because it will determine who is beside you, how far away you are from the object of desire, it will likely determine the first impression, which is also a continuously changing impression the more we get to know each other. It is the question before commitment to a position (what if you have to sit in this same spot for the whole evening?), coloured by an underlying unfamiliarity and discomfort, perhaps out of obligation or curiosity, or an excitable nervousness, the good kind, when faced with someone you really want to impress. Or perhaps the question came out of pure accident (have you ever walked into the wrong room?). For this residency season, we come together in understanding how sitting as a gesture is a worthy inquiry, and how the placement of the body/self in space affects both ourselves and our environment.

2025 SUMMER (9 JUNE 2025 - 31 AUGUST 2025)
The theme for 2025 SUMMER is AH. AH! short! shock! a cockroach runs past. pushed by someone. a fall. you miss your train stop. phone runs out of battery in the middle of a call. ahhhhhhhh…… a long yawn. letting out a sigh. the sun feels so nice. stepping into a bath. lying down in bed after a long day. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! frustration and stress. bungee jump. you are being chased. my hair is too long. one final sprint. i think i sprained my ankle. ah. recognition. i understand you. i see. its ok. you can sit with me. welcome back. good old times. cherish this. AH! the sharpness of grapefruit. you just won. your ex-lover appears. it is so quiet. (ah). loss for words. a funeral. my coffee is finished. im not ready to go. This summer, we learn the different personalities, the possibilities, the range, the ridiculousness of ah.